
Mild Success

So yesterday was a good day at school. I spent time getting support from some of the other students, and I think I'm back on track. In addition, I ate a serving of vegetables, and I had three glasses of water! Notably, I spent the afternoon and evening working on a special event for a local charity. The event was very successful, but I was also in tune with my fitness goals and I pushed myself to work harder and faster, trying to build stamina. All in all, I worked for an hour and a half and accomplished a tremendous amount with a brisk heart rate :). Go me!


  1. Sounds like you're doing well. Just remember, keep goals small so they don't overwhelm you. There's a reason we have a widespread range of skills, badges, activities and food challenges, we want to help people with their goals at whatever personal level they are at.

  2. I second Jinn's comment.
    I remember a little ago, one of the wisest women I know told me that she liked to manage tasks by breaking them into the smallest pieces possible, so she could check off every step of the way, and try not to get overwhelmed with the end goal. I think that would be a perfect way to view our challenges.
