
A Short Journey

These past few days, I have been off campus as I received an invitation from the le chef to visit the neighboring town in search of specific vegetables to feature in this week's challenge! If she is pleased with my performance, I'm that much closer to winning a spot in her coveted master class and performing my final internship with her!! Unfortunately, on my way to the village, I took a terrible tumble and managed to somehow injure my right ear! Ordinarily this would not be a problem, but it's very difficult to compete in challenges without my balance, and we have a boss encounter later this week. I hope I start feeling better soon :(.

As my physical abilities are somewhat limited, I have instead chosen to focus on my nutrition. I brought fruit and vegetables on my journey, and although I did partake in an ale or two, I also brought a water skin and often drank from that as well. Although I cannot tell if my work is making any difference or bringing me any closer to being a warrior, I can certainly own up to working very hard towards my level :). I hope I start seeing some results soon...

1 comment:

  1. Whoa Whoa Whoa, Boss Battle? I see none posted!

    Congratulations on the healthy minded eating- a very clever way of countering your illness, I have heard that they often have healing properties, including the water!
